Closing school to new students March 31, 2022 - use code "SCHOOLCLOSING" for 70% off all courses
Last chance to subscribe - current students will keep access but no new students can start. Pregnancy is such an exciting time. You research the best cribs and strollers. But have you thought about how YOU will be feeling emotionally? So much focus is on baby. Parents are often lost as an after thought. Take some time to prioritize YOU. Make sure you know how to keep your emotions and thoughts healthy. NOW is a great time to prepare and this class will help you develop a personalized plan.
Donate a course to a family in need
Would you like to sponsor someone else to take a course to prevent postpartum depression or cope with a perinatal loss? Donate today to help grow our scholarship fund.

Thank you to the following generous donors:
Erin and Matt Levy in loving memory of their daughter Poppy #InHonorOfPoppy
Would you like to apply for financial assistance?
Email [email protected] to apply!